School Tours and Enrolments

School Tours


Are you currently looking for an innovative school for your child to prepare them for the 21st century? Gladstone Views Primary School welcomes you to come along and spend some time in our wonderful community.


Gladstone Views Primary School has a proud tradition of providing a caring and nurturing environment while at the same time providing best practice to ensure students have the skills to become productive and caring citizens.


The school values are: we are Respectful, safe, kind and continual learners.

The main school building comprises of fifteen classrooms, a visual arts facility, Italian Teaching Space, First Aid room, staff room meeting rooms and an Out of Hours Care facility. Two relocatable buildings provide an additional four classroom teaching spaces.


A community-funded gymnasium complex provides a full-size basketball court, music room and canteen.

Playground resources include three separate areas with equipment for children of all ages, basketball and bat tennis courts sandpit and grass areas for creative play.


With a student population of approximately 400 we are able to cater for all of our students with our spacious grounds and wonderful community.


To experience the wonderful school that is Gladstone Views Primary School watch our Virtual Tour or come along to one of our Foundation 2023 Tours.


For more information regarding our school tours, please contact the school office on (03) 9338 6083



Enrolment Information


We are now taking enrolments for 2025


To start primary school your child must turn five years of age, or older, by 30 April of the year that they will start school. Before you enrol your child in a primary school, you may wish to visit a number of schools to decide on the best one for your child. Once you have made your choice you will then be ready to enrol.



For more information and to book in for an enrolment tour, please phone the office on 9338 6083


Our School Zone

Our school zone is available on which hosts the most up-to-date information about Victorian school zones for 2023 onwards.


Students residing in this zone are guaranteed a place at our school, which is determined on the basis of your permanent residential address. 


The Department provides guidance through the Enrolment Policy to ensure that students have access to their designated neighbourhood school and the freedom to choose other schools, subject to facility limitations.


You can find more information and answers to frequently asked questions on the Department’s website under School zones.


2025 Enrolment Form

If Gladstone Views Primary School is in fact your Designated Neighbourhood School, you may complete an enrolment form and submit it to our school office, either in person or email it to with copies of the necessary documents as listed below.



Enrolment Requirements

To enrol your child we will need the following:

  • A copy of your child's Birth Certificate and Immunisation Status Certificate
  • Names and addresses of the child and parents, guardians or carers
  • Parent's phone numbers (home, work, mobile) and email address
  • Names and contact details of emergency contacts
  • Doctor's name and contact details
  • Medicare details
  • Health and welfare information - for example, does your child have asthma, diabetes, allergies, poor eyesight or hearing problems?
  • Specific custody arrangements (copies of court orders are required)
  • Information about the language(s) your child speaks or can understand (to help the school build on your child's knowledge)




Is my child ready for school?


There are many things to consider when deciding if your child is ready to start school. Please ask your child’s kindergarten teacher for advice. If your child’s kindergarten teacher recommends a second year of kindergarten please take this into serious consideration. An extra year will give your child time to develop the skills they need to succeed at school.


Here are some questions to consider:


  • Are my child’s self-care skills developed?
  • Are my child’s social skills with peers established?
  • Does my child appear to be emotionally mature?
  • Does my child demonstrate self-control?
  • Can my child tolerate frustration?
  • Can my child cope with things that are worrying?
  • Is my child able to communicate their needs and express their feelings?
  • Can my child understand and follow directions? Is my child flexible and able to adapt to changes of routine? Does my child persist when faced with a difficult task?
  • Can my child concentrate and pay attention?
  • Can my child hold a pencil confidently, use scissors and recognise their name?
  • Does my child’s kindergarten teacher feel that he/she is ready for school?


Starting School – Literacy at School

When children are about to begin school, it gives them a good start if they are able to:

  • Recognise and write some letters of their own name.
  • Notice signs, symbols, letters and words that they see in the environment.
  • Pay attention to repeated sounds in rhyme, jingles, ads and stories.
  • Tell stories about events in their lives in sequence.
  • Listen with interest and courtesy when other people speak.
  • Talk about favourite stories and describe some of the characters or things that happen.
  • Hold a book the right way up and trace their finger from top left to bottom right as they pretend to read.
  • Have experience with drawing, scribbling and making marks on paper.


Helping children get ‘ready for school’ at home or kindergarten:

  • Support them to develop self-help and self-care skills (independent toileting, dressing, eating, cleaning up after themselves).
  • Follow a routine together (eating and opening wrappers for lunch at a set time, read a story before playing etc).
  • Help children learn to recognise and write their name.
  • Provide many opportunities for them to develop their fine motor skills (such as play dough, Lego, threading beads, cutting paper, undoing buttons and zips, drawing with different tools and finger plays and rhymes).
  • Slowly introduce them to more structured activities.
  • Practise sitting and focusing on small and whole class group activities for extended period of time.
  • Learn to wait their turn to speak by saying ‘excuse me’ or putting up their hand.
  • Support them to handle their emotions by reminding them to ‘use their words’ to resolve conflicts.
  • Practise taking turns and asking to join in game.
  • Visit local schools to become comfortable in the environment.
  • Practise playing ‘school’ and dress up in a school uniform.
  • Read picture books about starting school and talk about how the characters feel.