Student Support and Wellbeing

We are committed to providing a safe, inclusive and supportive environment in which children are to learn and grow.


Individual Learning Needs of All Children

We understand that children learn at different rates and in different ways. As this makes teaching a complex process our teachers plan and work collaboratively in teams to provide a comprehensive curriculum that is accessible by all students. Our focus is on value added learning for every child.


To cater for the range of abilities in any classroom, teachers assess students’ current levels of understanding and then use best practice teaching strategies to move each child to the next level. All students are supported through explicit teaching, worked examples, multiple exposures, feedback, questioning and metacognitive strategies.


All students have individual goals which are visible in the classroom and reviewed on a regular basis.


For many students adjustments are made to ensure that individual needs are met. Adjustments may be made in many ways and could include:


â—¾ modification of tasks to ensure or extend understanding

â—¾ provision of supportive equipment (eg. sensory cushions, pencil grips, assistive technology)

â—¾ changes to assessment to gain a greater understanding of students’ abilities/needs

â—¾ timetable adjustments

â—¾ allowance for extra time/support during work and assessment


In addition to more regular classroom adjustments, more specific plans can be put in place to assist students with additional needs.


A positive and collaborative partnership between parents and the school is vital for students to achieve their best. Parents/carers are welcome to make an appointment to discuss their child’s needs with classroom teachers throughout the year.


Support Services


Regional School Support Services are provided through the Department of Education and Training. These services include the provision of a psychologist and speech therapist, and assistance to the school following critical incidents.


Parents/carers with welfare concerns for their child should, in most instances’ contact the child’s classroom teacher. For more serious concerns, contact should be made with the Assistant Principal.